Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Now Lets Jog Over To The Right Side

October 30, 2012
Romney For President
By Patrick J. Buchanan
The American Cause is a website headed by Bay Buchanan and is a right wing, super Romney supportive website. Today an article was released entitled, "Romney For President". This article pointed out how 'unconstitutional' America is becoming in general but went on to say that the Obama Administration is not helping either. It begins with a comparison of current America's popular ideals to more conservative America's ideals. Starting with the melting pot that our country has come to be known as. This article points out that we are no longer, "descended from the same ancestors" but instead prasing ourselves for having a diverse nation and how we claim that this is our nations strength. The tone sounds negative though others might not see this as being such a bad thing.
The article then goes into religion and how Chrisitianity was removed from schools and the once strongly faith based country is now losing its "mainline Protestant congregation." "One in five Americans," they say, "claim they have no religion." The moral code of Americans came into question with the topics of Gay Rights and Abortion. Both very contraversial topics that may never become fully agreed on, started off as taboo for even the common person to speak of and now have laws being passed for or against. 
Then later as expected President Barack Obama became the focus of blame for this terrible America previously explained. The article sited that Obama's attempts at a more centralized government would continue to the "point of no return."
Mr. Buchanan says that President Obama's appointment of Supreme Court Justices would lead to negation of a half century of conservative labors and allow abortions on demand, "an abomination to scores of millions," to be a law in all 50 states.
If this is the extremist right wing view I can definately see how, however with such a narrow mindset how do they ever expect America to grow up? If these are the ideals of a Republican and of our current candidate then I guess people have to choose if this is what they are ready to believe in.

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