Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lets Take A Look At the Left Side

October 30, 2012

With the presidential election just a week away and a natural disaster hitting the East Coast the Village Voice, a liberal New York based news blog, took note of the connections the two made. In their article titled, "No Matter What We Do, The Election Has To Leak Into Hurricane Sandy" they call on the 'American electoral illness' with the main symptom being taking an event and asking how it relates back to the election.
With the hurricane hitting an area not used to that kind of happening naturally everyone wondered how relief would be handled. FEMA or the Federal Emergency Management Agency is who people look to and with that the comment made by GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, just after Hurrican Issac hit Louisiana. Also an article covered in the Village Voice, includes Gov. Mitt Romney visiting the state following an invite from Gov. Bobby Jindal, Romney met a woman there named Jodie Chiarello, a 42 year old woman who lost her home in the disaster, she asked him what he could do for her situation and he replied to 'go home and call 211'
This wasn't accepted so well considering the woman had no home to go to  as well as the fact that Romney and Paul Ryan's plan for budget cuts would include FEMA.
Although this article and events were some time ago of course it all resurfaced with this relatable time. The Village Voice claimed in their article that this hurricane would have no effect on the election, I beg to differ. They pointed out that Romney saying he would cut FEMA would come back to, "bite him in the a**" and that some might see "Obama's signing emergency declarations for Pennsylvania and New Jersey as 'presidential'." I believe these two facts alone could really sway some of those few undecided voters in one direction or the other depending on how much they care about the decisions made and comments said in accordance to the happenings.

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