Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President Obama Takes the 2012 Election

November 6,2012
Obama Wins Re-Election and Promises "Best Is Yet To Come"
ABC News
Russell Goldman

After a hard fought presidential race against Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the nations first African American president, Barack Hussein Obama has won yet ANOTHER four years in the White House as Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.

In a speech "studded with soaring rhetoric" President Obama congratulated Mitt Romney and reminded the voters what was left on his agenda, immigration reform, climate and job creation. The President said that he looked forward to, "sitting down with Gov. Romney to discuss how we can move this country forward." He also told supporters in Chicago, "Tonight, you voted for action and not politics as usual... You elected us to focus on your job, not ours."  Following he addressed Romney supporters saying, "I have listened to have made me a better president. I will return to the White House more determined, more inspired than ever."

The ABC News article also pointed out that Obama had built a 'coalition' of voters from young people, minorities, and college educated women. They say he won by turning out a winning amount of voters through a 'carefully calibrated ground operation' to get votes in states like Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa.

Many times in his speeches Obama reminded voters that when he came into office four years ago our economy was at its worst since the great depression. He also reminded people of the changes he has made though subtle he managed to down the amount of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, lowered the unemployment rate and bailed out the auto-industry. His campagin also portrayed Romney as an 'out-of-touch millionaire intent on helping the rich at the expense of the middle class.' This impression stuck with people, a poll in the article pointed out that 55 to 40 percent of people believe the economic system favors the wealth and is not fair for most people.

With this re-election President Obama has many people expecting more from him, and four more years to get things done.

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