Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mitt Romney: One Final Gaffe

November 8,2012
Website for 'President-Elect Mitt Romney' Goes Live
Emma Margolin

This entire Presidential election has been sprinkled with gaffes both kind-of funny and extremely insulting from the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney. Starting with the 47% label to all those recieving Government assistance to the taking out of Big Bird and PBS all together. While these have stuck to him like a bumper sticker his final gaffe, I believe, takes the gold.

The race for the win was a close one and this election has had a many of ups and downs for both candidates. President Obama, however, was delcared winner on Tuesday night. The following Wednesday, with celebration sprouting from Obama supporters and gloom hanging over Romney supporters a one, Taegan Godderd, found something that has tickled the crowd. Taegan Goddard, is named by the MSNBC article as the blogger who found the website for 'President-Elect Mitt Romney'. The site only went live for that one day as stated by the article, and there are only a few pictures taken by the blogger that shows just how ready Romney was to win.

The opening page for the website pictured a smiling Mitt Romney and a quote stating, "I'm excited about our prospects as a nation. My priority is putting people back to work in America." Another page showed an open link that would lead to his victory speech which he also had planned to give but was never able to deliver to the public. The website was created by a software company in Utah called SolutionStream. One of the company owners, Jason Thelin, spoke to the Huffinton Post about the leak saying he was not sure if he was allowed to talk about it but did say that it had been all ready to go.

Obviously no lack of confidence in Mitt Romney but it's also obvious that it was not enough to get him the win.
                                   The above is a picture of the opening page for the website.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President Obama Takes the 2012 Election

November 6,2012
Obama Wins Re-Election and Promises "Best Is Yet To Come"
ABC News
Russell Goldman

After a hard fought presidential race against Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the nations first African American president, Barack Hussein Obama has won yet ANOTHER four years in the White House as Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.

In a speech "studded with soaring rhetoric" President Obama congratulated Mitt Romney and reminded the voters what was left on his agenda, immigration reform, climate and job creation. The President said that he looked forward to, "sitting down with Gov. Romney to discuss how we can move this country forward." He also told supporters in Chicago, "Tonight, you voted for action and not politics as usual... You elected us to focus on your job, not ours."  Following he addressed Romney supporters saying, "I have listened to have made me a better president. I will return to the White House more determined, more inspired than ever."

The ABC News article also pointed out that Obama had built a 'coalition' of voters from young people, minorities, and college educated women. They say he won by turning out a winning amount of voters through a 'carefully calibrated ground operation' to get votes in states like Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa.

Many times in his speeches Obama reminded voters that when he came into office four years ago our economy was at its worst since the great depression. He also reminded people of the changes he has made though subtle he managed to down the amount of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, lowered the unemployment rate and bailed out the auto-industry. His campagin also portrayed Romney as an 'out-of-touch millionaire intent on helping the rich at the expense of the middle class.' This impression stuck with people, a poll in the article pointed out that 55 to 40 percent of people believe the economic system favors the wealth and is not fair for most people.

With this re-election President Obama has many people expecting more from him, and four more years to get things done.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Now Lets Jog Over To The Right Side

October 30, 2012
Romney For President
By Patrick J. Buchanan
The American Cause is a website headed by Bay Buchanan and is a right wing, super Romney supportive website. Today an article was released entitled, "Romney For President". This article pointed out how 'unconstitutional' America is becoming in general but went on to say that the Obama Administration is not helping either. It begins with a comparison of current America's popular ideals to more conservative America's ideals. Starting with the melting pot that our country has come to be known as. This article points out that we are no longer, "descended from the same ancestors" but instead prasing ourselves for having a diverse nation and how we claim that this is our nations strength. The tone sounds negative though others might not see this as being such a bad thing.
The article then goes into religion and how Chrisitianity was removed from schools and the once strongly faith based country is now losing its "mainline Protestant congregation." "One in five Americans," they say, "claim they have no religion." The moral code of Americans came into question with the topics of Gay Rights and Abortion. Both very contraversial topics that may never become fully agreed on, started off as taboo for even the common person to speak of and now have laws being passed for or against. 
Then later as expected President Barack Obama became the focus of blame for this terrible America previously explained. The article sited that Obama's attempts at a more centralized government would continue to the "point of no return."
Mr. Buchanan says that President Obama's appointment of Supreme Court Justices would lead to negation of a half century of conservative labors and allow abortions on demand, "an abomination to scores of millions," to be a law in all 50 states.
If this is the extremist right wing view I can definately see how, however with such a narrow mindset how do they ever expect America to grow up? If these are the ideals of a Republican and of our current candidate then I guess people have to choose if this is what they are ready to believe in.

Lets Take A Look At the Left Side

October 30, 2012

With the presidential election just a week away and a natural disaster hitting the East Coast the Village Voice, a liberal New York based news blog, took note of the connections the two made. In their article titled, "No Matter What We Do, The Election Has To Leak Into Hurricane Sandy" they call on the 'American electoral illness' with the main symptom being taking an event and asking how it relates back to the election.
With the hurricane hitting an area not used to that kind of happening naturally everyone wondered how relief would be handled. FEMA or the Federal Emergency Management Agency is who people look to and with that the comment made by GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, just after Hurrican Issac hit Louisiana. Also an article covered in the Village Voice, includes Gov. Mitt Romney visiting the state following an invite from Gov. Bobby Jindal, Romney met a woman there named Jodie Chiarello, a 42 year old woman who lost her home in the disaster, she asked him what he could do for her situation and he replied to 'go home and call 211'
This wasn't accepted so well considering the woman had no home to go to  as well as the fact that Romney and Paul Ryan's plan for budget cuts would include FEMA.
Although this article and events were some time ago of course it all resurfaced with this relatable time. The Village Voice claimed in their article that this hurricane would have no effect on the election, I beg to differ. They pointed out that Romney saying he would cut FEMA would come back to, "bite him in the a**" and that some might see "Obama's signing emergency declarations for Pennsylvania and New Jersey as 'presidential'." I believe these two facts alone could really sway some of those few undecided voters in one direction or the other depending on how much they care about the decisions made and comments said in accordance to the happenings.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Lawmakers press administration for Libya answers after email release

October 26, 2012
The attacks in Libya are still fresh in peoples minds and not to far behind those thoughts are the questions of why did it happen, why wasn't it avoided, did they know and not react in time? According to this article on emails have been released that shows that within hours of the attacks officials had been told of the militant group involved. It also states that, "
Republicans are using the alert on Sept. 11, contained in State Department emails, to challenge initial claims by administration officials that attackers were reacting to protests over an anti-Islam film." This is in reference to the film made by an American that offended many Muslims and has since been taken off the internet.
With this information out and questions arising again the Obama administration has quite a bit to answer for. House Speaker, John Boenher has really been seeking answers up front for the opposing stories. He sent a letter to President Obama asking for an explanation claiming, "...the public's frustration and confusion is likely to discredit efforts to achieve our shared goals of justice and accountability for the direct assault on American interests and the deaths of four public servants." 
It is true that people have been wondering what the truth is ever since it happend because most people weren't willing to bet it was a random and unplanned attack. The president has told the public when it was brought up that he was not aware of what was going on and recently Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton took the blame for the unfortunate event that took the lives for four American citizens. This, however, has not been sufficient enough for the Republicans and has them assuming, according to, that, "President Obama is not protecting U.S. diplomats overseas." 
This could be hurtful to the Obama campaign because of the questions it raises about the truthfulness of the White House administrators. Why would anyone want to reelect a president that allowed this to happen and lied to the people? They wouldn't, so the President better be careful with this one.
Find the article @ Fox News here. 
Find the article @ Army Times here

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama: The Other Guy Is A Bulls***ter

Malarkey, Obamacare, Romnesia, Obamaloney.
Words coined during the 2012 presidential race between Republican candidate Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama. However, a new phrase has entered the stream and though it hasn't blown up yet it is one the people are more familiar with.
Following an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, the executive director, Eric Bates, passed on a message to President Obama from his six-year-old daughter who said to tell him, "You can do it!", in reference to winning this years election. Our great and oratorically inclined president colorfully responded with, "You know, kids have good instincts. They look at the other guy and say, 'Well that's a bulls***ter, I can tell."
The article went on to explain that this comment, and most would agree, just goes to show the no-love relationship between both candidates. Of all their four meetings only one was said to be missing the tension otherwise tangible in the three debates.
Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley went on to say, "We could go through [history] and find good and bad relationships, this is not one that has a whole lot of mutual respect."
Commentary was also given from senior advisor for Romney,Kevin Madden, was quoted saying, "He's running on empty and has nothing left but attacks and insults. It's unfortunate he has to close the final days of the campaign this way."

Considering this is the Presidents first personal gaffe this race, I believe we can all see past it. After all Paul Ryan said it best, sometimes what you say doesn't always come across right. However, this was backed up with Obama's current focus in his speeches calling his opposition flip-floppy and pointing out the changing views of Romney's campaign.

The article here

Former Biden Aide writes angry 'tell-all' book.

Jeff Connaughton, a former aide to the Vice President, Joe Biden, has published a tell-all book in which he blasts the Obama Administration. This book is yet another wild card to hit the home stretch campaigning trails and the outcome of it is yet to be known. In this tell all Connaughton talks about his bitter experience in politics with the man who inspired him to even get involved.

"The PayOff", is the book's title and in it is revealed the big Washington secret, Big banks control both parties according to Jeff Connaughton. As previously stated he criticized the Obama Administration and called the President and VP, "finacially illiterate."  Jeff also confesses in his book not feeling he got enough support from the man he was aiding but the game changer is his revelation that he had never fully gained the trust of Joe Biden and there for was not welcomed into his inner circle. This seems questionably like a case of a person scorned. The article on later reveals that following the release of the book representatives of Vice President Biden released a statement saying, "The Vice President has not read Mr. Connaughton’s book but remembers working with him over many years in both the Senate and on various campaigns,” said a Biden aide. “The Vice President values his relationships with all members of his staff, and appreciates their hard work and dedication to serving the public. He wishes Mr. Connaughton all the best going forward." They then went on to point at a few other former employees of the VP who had much different tunes than Mr. Jeff Connaughton.
Herbie Ziskend said that Biden took an interest in his younger staffers, sometimes sitting down and asking him personally about his family and campaign thoughts.
Annie Tomasini, also had a similar story saying that Biden took an interest in her too often asking about how her family was and about where she was from. With such conflictions and at extreme ends who can one believe? The lone angry bird who did not feel accepted or everyone else? And what could this mean for the Obama campaign, yes, any publicity is good publicity EXCEPT when you're running for president.

The article is here

Monday, October 1, 2012

Jill Biden bringing change to the 2012 election?

Jill Biden tiptoes into 2012 Election
October 1, 2012

Think of everyone you associate with the White House right now.
Who comes to mind? First Lady Michelle Obama or maybe Vice President Joe Biden, I'm quite sure Barack Obama was first and foremost in your mind but who is missing here? That's right, the lovely lady of Mr. Biden, Jill Biden, the wife we've never heard about.

Mrs. Biden is an English teacher at a community college and the stepmother of a soldier in Iraq. She has not been heard from since the campaigning started back in 2008 but she has been coming out of her shell as we are getting closer to election day. According to Donovan Slack of, the Obama campaign Adviser, David Axelrod says they are trying to use her, "real-world experiences to connect teachers, veterans, military families and women," these are possible voters that could really swing the vote the Obama way.

The reason for the separation of Mrs. Biden from the spotlight is her commitment to her students and stage fright in front of those who are not her students. Also stated in the article Jill Biden, "... really doesn't like politics." Though she is a 'newbie' to this campaign trail and public spotlight she could be a real asset to the running party and a booster to their overall popularity. Mitt needs a new trick up his sleeve and FAST!

For the Politico article click here

Texas Republican Lynches Chair in Obama Opposition

Empty Chair 'lynched' by Anti-Obama Texas Republican Bud Johnson
September 20, 2012

A man in Texas by the name of, Bud Johnson, took Mr. Clint Eastwoods chair speech to Obama to the next level. This man hung a chair from a noose in his front yard and when questioned about it simply said, " Take [your concerns] and go to h*ll and take Obama with you. I don't give a sh-t. If you don't like it, don't come down my street. "

Well sir, I think you represent the GOP finely with your words of insult to the Commander in Chief.

By now most people have come to recognize that the empty chair has come to be the Republican supporters symbol of Obama since the Clint Eastwood speech at the RNC (Republican National Convention). Which, according to, was not Mr. Eastwoods most shining moment and one he did not really expect to shine. He says he, "would probably say something else," if given the chance and made it up, "five seconds before he started"

Do not quote me on this but I'm pretty sure this was not the support he was honestly expecting.
For the Huffington Post article click here
For the article click here

Friday, September 14, 2012

The GOP, Changing America. Featuring, Planned Parenthood

Tim Huelskamp, GOP Congressman: Planned Parenthood's 'Sole Purpose is Killing Children' Of Minorities
September 14, 2012

Very recently a GOP Congressman claimed that Planned Parenthood, Yes, that very place continually under scrutiny for their abortion procedures, had one sole purpose and that is to kill minority children.

What a surprise.

Rep. Tim Huelskamp is an adoptive father of four children of African American, Hispanic and Native American descent. Rep. Tim stated, "I am incensed that this president pays money to an entity that was created for the sole purpose of killing children that look like mine — a racist organization, and it continues specifically to target minorities for abortion destruction. Shame on this president and shame on that party."

Understandably Planned Parenthood has not had a very good name due to poor connections with its founder, Margaret Sander. She has been linked to the Eugenics Movement which discouraged people with mental disablities and those with hereditary diseases from reproducing. However these accusations do not match up with statistics which show that if accounted for by race then as of 2008 36% of abortions are for non-Hispanic white women, 30% are from non- Hispanic black women, about 25% are for Hispanic women and other races make up the last 9%. Other studies show that economic status can effect the types of people who receive abortions. In other words many minority people are in poverty and cannot afford children and the responsibility they are so they become the ones to use this resource.
I am quite positive that if Rep. Tim Huelskamp knew the statistics better than he may have chosen a different set of words. He and his fellow party member, presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, seem to be on a role for statements that quite plainly are not flattered by the facts.

If you would like to read the article click here.