Tim Huelskamp, GOP Congressman: Planned Parenthood's 'Sole Purpose is Killing Children' Of Minorities
September 14, 2012
Very recently a GOP Congressman claimed that Planned Parenthood, Yes, that very place continually under scrutiny for their abortion procedures, had one sole purpose and that is to kill minority children.
What a surprise.
Rep. Tim Huelskamp is an adoptive father of four children of African American, Hispanic and Native American descent. Rep. Tim stated, "I am incensed that this president pays money to an entity that was created for the sole purpose of killing children that look like mine — a racist organization, and it continues specifically to target minorities for abortion destruction. Shame on this president and shame on that party."
Understandably Planned Parenthood has not had a very good name due to poor connections with its founder, Margaret Sander. She has been linked to the Eugenics Movement which discouraged people with mental disablities and those with hereditary diseases from reproducing. However these accusations do not match up with statistics which show that if accounted for by race then as of 2008 36% of abortions are for non-Hispanic white women, 30% are from non- Hispanic black women, about 25% are for Hispanic women and other races make up the last 9%. Other studies show that economic status can effect the types of people who receive abortions. In other words many minority people are in poverty and cannot afford children and the responsibility they are so they become the ones to use this resource.
I am quite positive that if Rep. Tim Huelskamp knew the statistics better than he may have chosen a different set of words. He and his fellow party member, presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, seem to be on a role for statements that quite plainly are not flattered by the facts.
If you would like to read the article click here.